There is NO SOY in GT Performers premium gut health supplements.
Horses by far have the most sensitive and delicate digestive system out of any Ruminants or non-Ruminants.
It has been found that Horses who have been adversely affected by products containing soy develop symptoms such as (but not limited to) Ulcers and other Gastric upsets, Weight loss, Scouring, Colic, Bloating, erratic behaviour, foul smelling manure with a slimy sticky consistency, Lethargic demeanour, off their feed and a general unwellness. Vets and owners initially did not link soy to the symptoms until the soy was removed and horses started showing signs of recovery. Please bear in mind, the above symptoms may well be attributed to other factors, however your horse may be intolerant of soy in the products you use, removing or limiting the amount of soy ingested may result in improvement of these symptoms. We highly recommend adding GT Performers soy free superior gut health supplement to the daily feed to assist in recovery from ulcers, scouring, lethargy and other associated symptoms.
There are some inherent problems with feeding soy according to Jack Grogan, vice president of research and development at Uckele Health & Nutrition in Blissfield, Mich. “Soy protein by itself can directly interfere with hormonal balance and be pro-inflammatory, increasing the metabolic stress load and affecting immune function.” “We feel supplements and feed enhancers that use soy protein are not in the horse’s best interest.”
Soy is high in undesirable phytic acid (phytates) a substance that can block the uptake of essential minerals in the intestinal tract. They will bind to certain nutritional minerals in a horse’s diet and prevent them from being absorbed into the body. It is very common for a horse that is being fed soy to be lacking Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Chromium, Cobalt and sometimes Selenium.
These minerals are very important in the production of proteinaceous connective tissues such as tendon, ligament, joint cartilage, hoof and hair coat. The anti-nutrients in soy are potent enzyme inhibitors that block the action of trypsin, erypsin, and other enzymes needed for protein digestion. They can produce serious gastric distress, reduced protein digestion and chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake.
Nutritional Minerals are hugely significant portions of a healthy immune system, without them horses are more prone to damage from foreign invaders and pathogens that can cause Lyme disease, EPM, respiratory tract infections, etc. For your horse to be as healthy as possible you should be vigilant in eliminating any forms of soy from the supplements that you give.
Trypsin is an enzyme needed for protein digestion. Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders and may cause stunted growth. Trypsin Inhibitors can be removed through high temperature processing but not all of it is removed.
This form of processing denatures the protein content in Soy therefore needing to supplement with Lysine. Most horse diets are deficient in Lysine. Lysine is necessary for absorbing Calcium, converting fats into energy, making collagen and encouraging growth.
Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function, have the potential to cause infertility, and are potent anti-thyroid agents that cause hypothyroidism. Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body's requirement for B12. Soy foods increase the body's requirement for Vitamin D. Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.
Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food processing.
Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum, which is toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys
Many horses are allergic to the soy that is in horse feeds today. Specific types of protein in soybeans have been shown to cause an inflammatory response in the intestine when exceptionally high levels of soybean meal are included in diets.
In animals, feeding Soy has indicated that Phytoestrogens present in Soy are powerful Endocrine disruptors. These Phytoestrogens are also a potent anti-Thyroid agent that may cause Hypothyroidism and may cause Cancer. Soy and soybean meal contain goitrogens - substances that depress thyroid function. The thyroid is the regulator of metabolism. When thyroid function is depressed the horse gains weight and exhibits the classical signs of ‘metabolic shutdown’.
Soy is highly estrogenic (contains a natural chemical that powerfully mimics estrogen, the female hormone) Some studies in animals show that this chemical can alter sexual development. Soy should not be fed to either sex of horses, especially those that are already suffering from any type of metabolic disorder like Hypothyroidism, Insulin Resistance or Cushing’s Syndrome.
Many people feed Soy to horses with little to no effects, or so it seems..... but has your horse experienced Ulcers and other Gastric upsets, Weight loss, Scouring, Colic, Bloating, erratic behaviour, foul smelling manure with a slimy sticky consistency, Lethargic demeanour and poor performance, may be off their feed or suffering general unwellness?
Is it possible your horse may be exhibiting symptoms of soy intolerance and its effects? Many popular commercial premixed feeds contain Soy in varying amounts. You may wish continue using commercial horse feeds that contain soy, but it may help to check into those with little or no soy included if you think your horse could have a soy intolerance.
Adding the best possible gut health product to your daily feeds will assist your horse or pony achieve optimum gut health, well-being & longevity. GT Performer is a premium inner health supplement that contains no soy.
GT Performer is a powerful concentrated vet strength premium gut health supplement suitable for ALL horses and ponies.
⭐ GT Performers carefully selected base ingredients go into every bag of GT Performers premium microbiome support supplements.
⭐ ALL GT Performer concentrates include PREBIOTICS & PROBIOTICS.
⭐ Every bag of GT Performer concentrate also includes added vitamins, nutrients, PH stabilizer & Toxin binder.
GT Performer Establishes proper gut function:
💎 Improves your horses nutrient uptake
💎 Increases your horses vitamin production and mineral uptake
💎 Improves your horses feed conversion
💎 Reduces the chance of colic, aids ulcer healing and assists with ulcer prevention.
💎 Reduces your horses lactic acid accumulation, restores and maintains a healthy pH in the
💎 Assists in healthy hooves, glossy coats and overall well being.
GT Performer is especially beneficial for horses or ponies susceptible to gastric ulcers, colic, laminitis and hindgut acidosis. Its packed full of nutrients to support equine conditioning, skin, coat and hoof health and provide support for the digestive tract.
GT Performers ingredients are proven to have anti inflammatory properties as well as immune stimulating properties.
Research has shown evidence that probiotics lead to calmer, more stable horse behaviour, especially during times of stress. Horses seem better able to cope with stimuli that previously caused problems. Probiotics contribute to less acidic, less watery manure (scours) - during transport this means a happier horse at a competition.
GT Performer with it's carefully selected additives including powerful probiotics & prebiotics, removes lactic acid from the hind gut (a 70% reduction within 8 hours of ingestion from the probiotic alone)